More Helpful than Ever

Now more than ever, ServiceM8 helps you save time, get jobs done & provide amazing customer service.


Giving clients a quote is a crucial first step for many jobs. But, it’s also time consuming when you need to help them understand what they’re looking at, the value they’ll get, and what options they have. Proposals are next-level quotes, letting you give clients more detail, choice and control in the buying process.


A new, intuitive interface. Drag and drop Text, Material & Gallery sections to build the proposal how your client will see it online.

Text Sections

Use text blocks to provide more information and detail. Add as many text sections as needed.

Photos & Files

Insert a Gallery to show what products look like, attach photos of past work, or include brochures.

Flexible Sections

Add as many sections as you need. Break the proposal into different stages or areas of work, to make it easier to understand.

Multiple Choice

Use Multiple Choice sections to let customers choose from different qualities, colours, styles or scopes.

Optional Extras

Create Material sections offering completely optional extras for the client to choose from, enabling you to offer more value.


Each Material section includes a subtotal, to help clients get a cost breakdown of each element to your proposal.

Auto Templates

Start a proposal from a blank template, or use a previous proposal from another job.

Auto Update

If a client requests changes, simply edit the proposal in ServiceM8 to update the client’s online view.

Auto Save

All changes are automatically saved as you go. You can open, edit & close, without worrying about losing your work.

Smart Writing Helper

Use the Smart Writing Helper to Auto-Write, Improve Writing, Shorten or Lengthen text.


Open and work on the same proposal with other team members, at the same time.


Make a mistake? To undo, simply hit Control + Z (Windows) or Command + Z (Mac).

View Button

Include your proposal as a smart attachment for clients to click 'View' and see their proposal online.

Section Titles

Give Text, Material & Gallery sections a bold title to break down your proposal and help clients understand.

Credit Card Surcharge

It’s now possible to automatically add processing fees when clients pay by card. You can set it to always add the fee, or set a fee-free threshold.

Fee-free Threshold

Choose to only apply the surcharge to payments over a certain amount, to promote fast & convenient payment on smaller jobs.

On Site & Online

Your surcharge preference applies to card payments via the ServiceM8 app, and when clients pay their invoice online.

Surcharge Auto-Sync

If you Approve an invoice, then the client pays by card online, ServiceM8 will auto-update the invoice in your accounting software with the surcharge.

Automatic Quoting & Invoicing

Quoting and invoicing takes up a lot of time, and often gets put off. It takes expertise, time & focus — day in, day out. Now, ServiceM8 can draft your Work Completed and a list of Materials/Services, in seconds. Simply review, make any required changes, then send!

Work Completed

ServiceM8 will review the job and draft a professional description of the quoted or completed work.

Materials & Labour

ServiceM8 will review the job’s description, notes, supplier invoices and tracked time to suggest a list of billable items.


Check over how ServiceM8 came to its suggested Work Completed and items for the job.

ServiceM8 Chat

A whole new way to help manage your jobs and work smarter, using only your voice. ServiceM8 Chat is your voice-activated assistant, capable of actioning tasks, analysing the job card, and giving answers in seconds.

Ask about the Job

Start a chat about the job you’re checked in to with the new job action, or by saying “Hey Siri, Start ServiceM8 Chat”.

Get a Summary

Ask something like “Tell me about this job” to hear a summary, such as the client’s name, job description & status.

List Items

Ask “What materials do I need?” for a rundown of any Materials & Service items already added to the job.

Call Contacts

Initiate calls to Job, Property Manager and Billing contacts saved against the job e.g. “Call the Property Manager”.

Check Out

When you’re done on site, ask ServiceM8 to check out of the job, dictate a note on the outcome, and say whether the job’s complete.

Dictate Notes

Say “Add a note to the job saying…” then dictate, and ServiceM8 will transcribe your voice into a neatly formatted Note in the diary.

Mention Staff

Ask ServiceM8 to tag a specific staff member when dictating a note, so they get a notification e.g. “Add a note tagging Michael, saying…”

Send Email

Ask ServiceM8 to send a template email to a contact e.g. “Send the Job Finished email template to the Property Manager”.


Your Email Inbox in ServiceM8 is a central location for managing enquiries, new work, messages and reminders. With ServiceM8 12, your Inbox has been upgraded with a larger layout and improved functionality, to help you find and manage messages.


Use a name, address or keyword to search and find the message you’re after, fast.


Use a variety of filters to narrow your results and focus on a specific category.

Bulk Actions

Select multiple messages with the checkboxes, and Trash or Snooze them all at once.


Tag a staff member in a Note on a specific message in the Inbox, and they’ll be notified to check it out.


The new Trash view temporarily retains messages you’ve removed, or those detected as spam, to help keep your Inbox tidy.


If you have ServiceM8 Phone, you can click-to-call and quickly contact clients from their message in the Inbox.

App Inbox

A major upgrade of your app Inbox, with an improved layout and matching level of functionality to the online Inbox, to help you stay on top of your messages, wherever you are.


Separation of Replied, Snoozed, and Trashed messages to help you focus.

Swipe actions

Quick swipe actions to quickly manage messages — swipe left to remove, swipe right to convert to a job.


Improved visibility of new and unactioned messages in your Inbox, so you can tell at a glance if something needs your attention.

Automatic Quoting & Invoicing

Quoting and invoicing takes up a lot of time, and often gets put off. It takes expertise, time & focus — day in, day out. Now, ServiceM8 can draft your Work Completed and a list of Materials/Services, in seconds. Simply review, make any required changes, then send!

Lock Screen

When you lock your iPhone/iPad, you’ll get a Live Activity on your Lock Screen.

Dynamic Island

If your device has a Dynamic Island, you’ll get a Live Activity here too.

Pull Down

Tap & hold the Live Activity in your Dynamic Island for more information.

Multiple Checklists

If you want to divide a job’s requirements by category, such as by room, stage or staff member, you can now create multiple checklists per job card. Simply add a title (followed by a colon) at the top of each separate checklist e.g. “Master Bedroom:”

Camera Improvements

Lock Screen

When you lock your iPhone/iPad, you’ll get a Live Activity on your Lock Screen.

Recording Timer

An improved design so you can see how much time you have left.

Timer Warning

A visual warning when you’re 2-minute limit is about to end.

Video Transcription

Now, every video you record with the ServiceM8 Camera is automatically transcribed and added to the job’s Diary as text, so you can show, tell & write, all at the same time. Simply walk around a site describing what needs to be done, or the work completed, and it will auto-transcribe and save what you’ve said with the video.

Room Scan Improvements

Room Scan lets you capture the layout of a room as an interactive 3D model. ServiceM8 12 introduces new tools to understand and interact with a workspace. Now, you can add symbols, mark specific locations, measure distances, and generate a top-down floor plan of a scanned room.


Lines, rectangles & crosses can now be added to floors, walls & objects. Tap a symbol to label it.


Measure distances point-to-point by selecting the line tool, then tap, hold & drag.

Floor Plan

Once you’ve scanned a room and add markups, tap ‘2D’ to generate a floor plan of the space.

PDF Fill-in & Markup

If a client sends you a document that needs to be filled in, signed off or annotated, it can be a hassle to get it done. To help manage this paperwork digitally, you can now fill in or mark up PDFs directly in the ServiceM8 app. Simply open it from the job’s Diary to complete, sign, or mark up with shapes and annotations.

Auto-write Work Completed

Writing your ‘Work Completed’ description to display in quotes and invoices is time consuming, whether you’re starting from scratch, or translating info & notes from the job’s Diary. Now, ServiceM8 can automatically draft this description for you, in seconds.

ServiceM8 Phone Improvements

Phone calls are a big part of your dealings with clients, which is why ServiceM8 Phone includes the ability to record calls, and transcribe them to text. With ServiceM8 12, transcription is more helpful — now, ServiceM8 automatically extracts key details from the transcript for quick and easy reference.

Cell Network Fallback

A new option with ServiceM8 Phone to manage the call experience in low-coverage areas, by switching over to the standard phone network.

Call Summary Improvements

More accurate call summaries with ServiceM8 Phone to learn the purpose and outcome of a call in a single glance.

Transcription Improvements

Improved accuracy in the transcription of calls via ServiceM8 Phone, with better pickup and word recognition.

Online Enquiry Follow Up Questions

The Simple Online Enquiry Add-on is great for giving clients an easy way to get in touch with your business, day or night. But sometimes, customers provide very little information. Now, ServiceM8 instantly analyses their enquiry, and generates follow-up questions to get more information. Customers can choose to add to their enquiry, or skip.

Work Order Scanning

In ServiceM8 12, Work Order Scanning has been improved further, with greater accuracy and support for more templates. So, if you get work from clients like property managers and letting agents, have them send or forward their work order PDFs to your Inbox, and ServiceM8 can automatically extract job and contact details to pre-fill the job card.

Smarter Booking Suggestions

Scheduling jobs is a constant, repetitive task. This is why ServiceM8 automatically suggests times when your staff are free, and that could work well for your business. With ServiceM8 12, booking suggestions are smarter, taking into account past jobs, staff experience, and any correspondence about booking times, to give even more helpful booking suggestions.


Smarter Material Suggestions

Ensuring you add all billable items to a job takes focus and experience. ServiceM8’s material suggestions seek to reduce time in thinking and searching for items to add. Now, item suggestions are smarter, taking into account more information in the job card, and items used on similar jobs in the past.


Supplier Invoice Import

When buying materials for specific jobs, it’s important to charge for them. But it takes effort to consistently track these costs and pass them on. ServiceM8’s Supplier Invoice Import Add-on streamlines this process, and with ServiceM8 12, it features improved accuracy and flexibility.

Apply Line Items

Where line items can be scanned, you can now apply them separately e.g. if you want to itemise your invoice, or remove some items.

Apply Bundle

Where line items can be scanned, you can now apply them as a Bundle, while keeping the underlying items on the job.

More Templates

Supplier Invoice Import is now compatible with more types of supplier invoice templates and styles.

Quote & Payment Follow Ups

The ability to automatically follow up clients about their quote or invoice is great for helping you save time, win work, and get paid. With ServiceM8 12, the Quote and Payment Follow Ups in the Automation Add-on see some major upgrades.

Email and/or SMS

Now, you can set whether you want to send an Email, an SMS, or both, for every follow up and a more tailored flow.

5 x Follow Ups

It’s now possible to set up to five follow-ups, so you can build a more personal & progressive sequence of messages.

Address Recipient

A new {recipient} merge field ensures messages always insert the name of the person it’s sent to, for more professional & effective communication.

Improved Predictability

Sending rules have been simplified. Now, automatic quote & payment follow ups will simply send to the same contacts you sent the quote or invoice.

Multiple Recipients

Now, if you send a quote or invoice to more than one contact on the job, all of them will receive your automatic quote & payment follow ups.

Payment Reminder

With the Payment Follow Up, it’s now possible to send reminders before the invoice’s due date, to promote earlier payment and cash flow.

Auto Unsuccessful Quotes

Not all quotes are accepted, so it’s best to update stale Quotes to Unsuccessful, to ensure recent and viable leads don’t get lost. To help with this, the Quote Follow Up automation can now automatically update old Quotes to Unsuccessful for you.


Auto Revive Quotes

For stale quotes automatically updated to Unsuccessful, if the customer ends up responding weeks or months later, the job will automatically revive and revert back to a Quote, and surface in your Action Required list.


Improve Writing

Writing a clear, professional piece of writing for a client, free of spelling or grammar mistakes, can be very time consuming. Now, you can draft what you want to say, and have ServiceM8 revise it for clarity, spelling, grammar & punctuation in seconds, while still sounding like you.

Shorten & Lengthen

Too wordy? Too abrupt? Use the Shorten or Lengthen options to expand or trim your writing and make it just right.

Email & SMS

Use ‘Improve Writing’ to revise your everyday emails & texts to clients, making professional messaging faster and easier.

Work Completed

If your descriptions of Work Completed can be a bit rough or full of jargon, use ‘Improve Writing’ to tidy it up in seconds.

Reply Suggestions

Getting back to clients promptly is a great customer service touch. But simply responding to basic enquiries and transactional messages takes time and focus, and this time stacks up. Now, ServiceM8 analyses the client’s message, and suggests three types of reply — choose one and ServiceM8 will draft a response in seconds. Just review, tweak, and send.

Template Helper

Using email and SMS templates are awesome for saving time, while sending professional and consistent messages. But it’s hard to find the time to create templates for different customer queries, jobs and scenarios. Now, ServiceM8 can help you craft gold-standard templates in a fraction of the time.


Simply describe the kind of message you want with some dot points about its purpose and style, and ServiceM8 will draft a template in seconds.

Improve Writing

Draft a template then simply select ‘Improve Writing’ and ServiceM8 will tweak it for clarity, spelling & punctuation.

Automation Templates

Also available for email & SMS templates used with the Automation Add-on, so you can start afresh or improve existing templates!

Copy Bundle

With the Bundles Add-on, when creating bundles for various services, many can be almost identical, with only slight differences. Now, if you need to create a bundle very similar to an existing one, you can open the existing bundle, tap “Make a Copy”, make your edits, and save as a new bundle.

Knowledge Surfacing

The Knowledge Add-on lets you capture your know-how, tips & procedures as videos and articles, helping everyone in your business perform at the level of your top staff. With ServiceM8 12, the way Knowledge articles automatically match to jobs has been improved, ensuring this information surfaces more frequently on relevant jobs.


Post-Approval Sync

Connecting ServiceM8 to your accounting software is one of the single best things you can do. But if something changes after you Approve an invoice (e.g. you forgot to add some items), it could be a hassle to update and match across both systems. Now, when you make changes which affect the total amount of an invoice in ServiceM8, it will automatically update the invoice in your accounting package.


Fresh Theme

A new and improved design for the Online Dashboard featuring a more compact menu and inline guidance on how the various job lists work.


How to Upgrade to ServiceM8 12

The latest ServiceM8 app for iPhone/iPad is now available to download on the App Store. Many features require activation of ServiceM8 12 for your account. Log into the Online Dashboard on your computer, go to Settings, and see the green notice for more information.

Section Lines for Quotes & Invoices

For large or complex jobs, it can be hard to format the quote or invoice in a way that clients can understand. Now, you can insert simple description lines between items, giving you the ability to break up your quotes & invoices into sections. To create a description line, just set its Quantity, Cost & Price to zero.